Professional Help Can Make Facing Criminal Charges a Little Less Intimidating


When you’re facing criminal charges of any kind, there’s a very real possibility of losing your freedom as a punishment. This is reason enough to seek out the help of a professional in defending yourself. While you may be able to handle a traffic ticket without legal help, anything more serious requires the expertise of a Fairfax criminal attorney . You may be facing stiff fees and a severe term of imprisonment in a conviction, but a lawyer can help you obtain a more favorable outcome.

Even in facing misdemeanor charges, a lawyer can help you obtain a better outcome in your case. Most people have the impression that a misdemeanor is a light charge, so they don’t think it’s as serious as facing a felony. While it is true misdemeanor crimes are considered to be less severe crimes, they do still carry penalties that include jail time. You may …

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Protect Yourself by Knowing the 4 Categories of Personal Injury Law

When you are injured by another person, the law refers to the action as the commission of a tort. Most states allow the injured party to seek compensation in a civil court for damages resulting from the accident. In legal terms, the injured person has the right to be made whole.

Categories of Injuries

The injury can be a result of a deliberate action or the outcome of careless conduct. Although most people would believe an injury is just an injury, under the law, there are different types of personal injury situations, and each deserves a different just compensation. So, in order to protect yourself after receiving an injury, check with a personal injury law firm Hillsborough County to find out about the four types of personal injury law.

Accidental Injuries

Whether the injury is due to a medical malpractice, a slip and fall, or a car accident, the unintentional …

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Possible Court Sentences

When you get arrested for committing a crime, you will have to appear in court. Depending on the crime that you commit, whether you plead guilty or not guilty and the case your attorney presents, you will be given a sentence. A sentence can be as light as taking an online course or community service or as heavy as jail time.

Take Court Mandated Courses

If you’ve committed a more minor crime, you might be sentenced to a court mandated course. Usually crimes that are affiliated with court mandated courses are drug, aggression or theft related. If you got charged with domestic abuse, you will have to go in person or find court approved domestic violence classes online. If you are caught stealing, you might be sentenced to take a larceny or shoplifting course depending on the crime.

Perform Community Service              

In order to avoid jail time, you may …

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3 Ways To Help Support Somone Who Is In Jail


Imagine going through your day as you normally would and then suddenly find yourself arrested and in jail. The shock factor alone is too much for many people to bear. Perhaps you saw it coming, or perhaps it came out of nowhere. You might be guilty, and you might be 100 percent innocent and have no idea where the charges even came from. However, the fact of the matter remains that you are still in jail and want to get out. Now, imagine that a loved one finds him or herself in that same position. You will want to do whatever you can to help them. Here are three ways that you can help support someone who is in jail.

Get Bail Ready

Hopefully, bail will be set quickly and you can help work to get your loved one out of jail and back home. This can even happen in …

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The Value of Bail Bondsmen

While people get arrested for many things every day, they sometimes have the extraordinary fortune to have a bail bondsman available to look at their case. A bail bondsman can get them out of jail by posting bail bond because a judge won’t let them out on their own recognizance. They can walk free from a highly stressful situation. If that happens, they can get after the difficult but important task of defending themselves right from the arraignment to the date of their trial.

High Crimes and Misdemeanors

Ordinary people can face much higher bail amounts when they’re accused of significant crimes than when accused of minor crimes, so if they are charged with a felony or a serious misdemeanor, they could face a high bail amount. Unfortunately, the judge sets the terms. That’s why bail bondsmen can be so important. Often, people have trouble finding the funds to make …

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