The Work That Real Estate Attorney Does

As you are on the verge of buying your house, it would probably be one of the best investments in your life. Along with that, you have to think about hiring an efficient real estate agent who can negotiate transactions and guide you through any legal process. Such an estate planning lawyer would help you to handle every transaction and dispute related to the property.

What Does The Law Cover

Anything that gets done with the sale and purchase of real estate property, including structures and lands, encompasses the real estate law. It constitutes every legal issue related to the structures and properties, including fixtures and appliances.

People who are real estate attorney specialize in real estate laws. Such lawyers ensure the proper maintenance of procedures during any sale or acquisition of the property. The real estate lawyers deal with estate planning, property taxes, law cover deeds, zoning, and titles.

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Seaton: A Redneck’s Disney Vacation

Oh look, it’s a new year. Did you miss me, dear readers? I sure missed you.

I said I was going on vacation in my last post of 2022 and I meant it. We’ve been trying to do family vacations since 2019 around the holidays when Dr. S and her sister swindled their parents into taking everyone to Hawaii after Christmas.

Then 2020 and COVID happened. It put a lot into perspective for my wife and I. We resolved to start alternating holidays with our parents because the time they get with the grandkids isn’t exactly extending, and we’re determined to maximize the minutes each gets with our children.

When my in-laws proposed going to St. Lucia after Christmas, Dr. S and I both said no. Beach vacations may be relaxing to some. When you’ve got a 7 year old who’s shy of his own shadow and a 9 year

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Short Take: More SCOTUS To Hate

“Hand downs” are back. Yay, you say? More likely, what are “hand downs,” a very fair question for anyone who isn’t paid to sit in the press section of the Supreme Court gallery. It’s when the justices announce their decision to the audience, summing up their rationale and conclusion. It’s not law, like the opinions themselves, but a tradition disappeared during the pandemic, when oral argument went livestream, justices got to feign asking questions in order to put on a play for the listening audience and the lay listening public got to hear argument they rarely understood or appreciated.

While the Court will resume hand downs, it will not do so by livestream, so that it will still only be heard by the audience in the room. Frankly, who cares? Why Linda Greenhouse, of course.

So why do I insist that the hand-downs matter? Because it is in those

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Tuesday Talk*: Sitting Next To Santos

My old Congressman, Tommy Suozzi, has an interesting op-ed about his replacement in the House as representative of the New York 3d District. Tommy says it pains him to see a con man sitting in his seat. Of course, it may not happen if there is no speaker elected, but that’s another problem. Assuming the new class gets sworn in today, it will include Santos, despite his stunning array of lies and potential campaign finance crimes

Assuming George Santos, if that really is his name, will get sworn in today provided a speaker is elected, there’s nothing to be done to stop it. As we learned when they tried to keep Adam Clayton Powell Jr. out, as long as someone qualifies constitutionally and was elected, he gets to sit. That he got there because of lies does not disqualify anyone from being in Congress.

But there remains a problem, one

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Turning 911 Calls Into Junk Science

In a deep dive, ProPublica tracks how Tracy Harpster, a deputy chief from Ohio, turned a pompous yet ridiculous claim of knowing “what a guilty father, mother or boyfriend sounds like” into a cottage industry and junk science.

Harpster tells police and prosecutors around the country that they can do the same. Such linguistic detection is possible, he claims, if you know how to analyze callers’ speech patterns — their tone of voice, their pauses, their word choice, even their grammar. Stripped of its context, a misplaced word as innocuous as “hi” or “please” or “somebody” can reveal a murderer on the phone.

It’s not as if there were any empirical basis for this absurd claim. After all, different people have different speech patterns. Different people react to situations differently. Different people use different words, different characterizations, different linguistic tics. But Harpster decided that he possessed some magic power

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