Steps To Take After a Car Accident

General Articles

No one expects to get involved in a car crash. But, a significant number of people get involved in car accidents annually. If you have been in a car accident in the past, you understand distressing the situation can be. Car accidents can happen in a second, and the next time you realize your car is damaged or you have sustained injuries. People often get confused because they don’t know what to do next. Notably, the steps you take after a car crash are essential. Knowing what to do will also help you to remain calm and make it easy to deal with the other party.

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Pull Over

You need to pull over if possible and turn on your hazard lights. After that, call the police immediately or seek help if you are injured or the other party has been hurt. You also need to exchange insurance information with the … Read more

Immigrants’ Paths to Permanent Residency

General Articles

Immigration policy is in the news as a politicians take sides for campaign purposes. However, for many it is more than just a political issue; it is personal. If you or someone close to you is in need of help, you should know there are several ways for immigrants to qualify for a Green Cards, or permanent residence in America.

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Who You Know

The most common path to permanent residency is being sponsored by someone. That someone is often a family member—either a spouse, parent, sibling or child who is a citizen or Green Card holder. Preferential status is also extended to those engaged to a citizen or the minor child of someone engaged to a citizen.

What You Do

A sponsor can also be an employer or prospective employer. Employment based visas fall into five different categories and allow around 140,000 people to be awarded permanent resident status each … Read more

3 Injuries To Watch Out for at Work

General Articles

Working is a way of life. Whether you find yourself punching a time card at a construction site or logging in to a computer at an office, the risk of injury is always lurking. Those who have a more physically demanding job may have more of a risk than others, but it doesn’t guarantee those working at a desk are free from that risk. Explore three common injuries that occur on the job.

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1. Falls

It has happened to everyone at some point. You’re walking along, and suddenly you trip. If possible, you probably jumped up and laughed it off. However, there may be a time when you can’t get right up because you hurt yourself, or you discover later that you did more physical damage then you thought. Falls in the workplace are a common injury. It can be caused by something on the floor, an upturned carpet or … Read more

Useful Checklist of Actions After an Accident

General Articles

A car crash can be a traumatic experience. Depending on the severity, it can total your vehicle and leave you unable to function as before. The shock of a collision can make it hard to cope with the aftermath. What should you do when a car accident happens to you?

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Show a Strong First Response

The steps you take after a collision are time-sensitive. This starts at the crash scene, where some things must be done immediately. Call the police to alert them of the accident right away. Exchange information with the other driver, but stick to the basics (name, address, insurance.) Your own insurance company should also be informed ASAP.

While you wait for the authorities, you can use your phone to take photo and video documentation of the scene to help you later with your insurance claim. If there are witnesses, find out what they saw and ask … Read more

What to Do After a Car Accident

General Articles

Whether you’re a new driver or someone who’s been on the road for years, getting into a car accident is often a scary and stressful experience. When one occurs, it helps to understand the steps you need to take immediately after the accident.

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Document the Accident

The first thing you’ll want to do is document the accident. Depending on where you live and how bad the wreck was, you may need to call the cops. However, if it was just a fender bender, you can simply exchange information with the other driver. This means providing each other with first and last names, as well as insurance information. It is also important to use your smartphone to take pictures of the crash. If the other driver refuses to show you a driver’s license, take a picture of him or her as well. This prevents the driver from claiming not to … Read more