What Does it Mean to Be an Expert Witness?

General Articles

Contrary to what you see in Hollywood movies, there are very few “open and shut” cases in the U.S. legal system. Most matters that come before courts are one person’s word against another’s, and juries composed of everyday citizens are left to decide what seems to be the truth. You’ve probably heard the term “expert witness,” but you may not be aware of what it means. An expert witness is called in to evaluate and explain information that jurors may not be able to easily grasp.

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Professional Experience and Expertise

Let’s say a law suit involves bank fraud. The prosecution may hire a financial expert witness who is a respected professional with a banking or accounting background. That person would be compensated for their time and expected to provide a legal affidavit and sworn testimony.


The financial expert witness in the example above was hired by the prosecution. That … Read more

Mistakes to Avoid When Posting Bail

General Articles

Getting arrested and charged with a crime can be confusing and stressful, especially if it’s your first time. Usually, the court sets a bail amount during the first court appearance. You will be required by the judge to present the set bail amount to secure your release from custody. It can be overwhelming to understand the bail process, especially if this is the first time or you don’t have knowledge of bail bonds. You must adhere to the law once you have secured your bail amount or in the process of securing your release from jail. Here is a list of mistakes you should never make when posting a bond.

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Wrong Bond Company

You are likely to have several bids from bail bond companies. It can be tricky to determine the bail bond company to work with as you post bail. However, the worst mistake you can ever make is … Read more

When Is an Accident More Than a Mistake?

General Articles

People are human and make mistakes; however, not all errors are created equal. When someone commits a mistake that hurts someone else, it may give rise to a personal injury claim. When the person responsible for injuring another is acting negligently leading up to the incident, the person hurt may have reason to file a personal injury lawsuit against them. Even in some of the most common cases, being able to prove negligence may help the victim to recover more financially.

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Car Crash

Accidents happen, and unfortunately, for some, they happen while driving. A car wreck can do more than give those involved the headache of dealing with the insurance company. In some instances, they can leave a person severely injured and unable to return to their usual activities. Plus, medical bills may inflate to higher than what the car insurance company will pay.

If a car accident occurred due … Read more

Why You Should Hire a Commercial Property Lawyer

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The laws and regulations governing property taxes can be complex and confusing. If you have business property, you may have noticed that the cost of owning this land has gone up. Appraisers may try to retrieve information about your property, so you need someone on your side to help protect your interests. A reputable commercial property lawyer can help get you through the tax process. 

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Attorneys Have Experience

The commercial property tax world may be new to you, but it isn’t to a competent property attorney Austin Tx. A professional with a proven track record of success has expertise navigating this challenging road. When you have an attorney on your side, you can rest at ease knowing this person has helped companies like yours defend their rights and even file lawsuits against appraisal district representatives. When you hire someone with experience, you know the lawyer has in-depth knowledge of … Read more

Hurt in an Accident? When to Hire a Boston Personal Injury Law Firm

General Articles

There’s no rule of thumb when it comes to injuries. Sometimes you can get away with not speaking to a lawyer. But things don’t always go as planned.

The question is, when should you start looking for a law firm to talk to? Keep reading to learn when you should start looking for help.

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1. You Need a Specialist

Don’t talk to any lawyer about your injury. When you’re looking for a Boston personal injury law firm, find one that specializes in the type of case you’re involved in.

There are a lot of nuances in the law. When you have someone on your side that has a history of successful cases like yours on your side, you’re going to increase your chances of winning.

2. You’re Confused By Medical Terms

There is a lot of medical jargon that most people have a hard time understanding. This jargon isn’t … Read more