3 Ways a Family Law Attorney Saves You Stress

Family law is a very sensitive and specialized field. Issues such as prenuptial agreements, adoptions and divorce are far more complicated than most people realize. You need a family law attorney who not only specializes in family litigation, but also has knowledge in areas such as finance, property, domestic violence and special considerations for children. Here are three ways a family law attorney can help relieve your stress.

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1. Filing for Divorce

Divorces are often messy and complicated. A Jacksonville family law firm can best help you navigate these difficult waters. A divorce not only ends a marriage, but requires decision-making about a variety of things in the couple’s life. Chief among these are children, including visitation rights and child support terms. A couple must address any properties owned and any outstanding debts as well. A well-qualified attorney can help you prepare and make sure you get all of the assets you’re entitled to, or even help you avoid court through mediation.

2. Filing a Prenuptial Agreement

No one goes into a marriage thinking it will end before “’til death do us part,” but the sad truth is many marriages do. Having a prenuptial agreement can help both parties relax by protecting them in the event that something goes wrong in the relationship. It fosters communication about some of the biggest stressors in a relationship before they become issues. Prenuptial agreements can also safeguard your and your children’s inheritance, protect you from debt and keep your business safe.

3. Navigating Family Custody Issues

In today’s world, blended families are common. Custody issues can be tricky when they involve both parents and stepparents. A family law attorney can help you navigate these issues by knowing the rights of each party involved. He or she can also help address issues of custody based on child abuse or neglect.

Any legal issue is stressful, but a family legal issue is even more complicated. Having a compassionate, knowledgeable family law attorney is critical. He or she can help you navigate the process as painlessly as possible and achieve the best outcome.