Finding the Correct Attorney for Your Case
Most people
on a day to day basis will not even think about calling a personal injury
attorney. However, when the unexpected occurs and you don’t know what to do it
is best to contact an attorney with the expertise to help manage the situation.
Eventually that is what I had to do after being sideswiped by a motor vehicle
while I was riding my motorcycle.
The story begins the day after I had been in the collision I wrote about above.
I was looking for compensation for being sideswiped by a hit-and-run style
driver. However, whenever I attempted to get police reports, surveillance
footage or any general information about the person who hit me and drove off, I
was getting stonewalled. Although I had insurance, I was still responsible for
paying the copays to each of my medical visits. Likewise, I was responsible for
the cost of the tow … Read more