Alimony and Its Impact on Divorce Settlement

Splitting up is not something most couples think about on their wedding day. Nevertheless, many once happily-married couples find themselves visiting attorneys and filing for divorce. In doing so, they come face to face with one of the most debated issues in breaking up: alimony. The purpose of spousal support is to bridge a gap between a spouse who may have been unemployed or underemployed for a variety of reasons. While it is often debated, it is something that many couples have to face during the process. Knowing how it works helps understand why it may apply to your situation.
Duration of the Marriage
Alimony is only an issue in marriages considered long-lasting, typically one lasting at least 10 years. An alimony attorney orlando fl can give you better insight. During these relationships, it is not uncommon for one spouse to leave a job to help care for children. When … Read more